Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quilts From My Past

I'll be posting some photos of Quilts I've done in the past.  I want to share photos from the last four years that I've made, and my husband has quilted. He has a webpage, if you're interested in seeing it: Anchorage Quilting Services  It is going to be undergoing some changes in the next week or two, but you can see some of what he does. Some of the links aren't working, so we have to get on that.

So, on with the photos! As always, you can enlarge them by clicking on them once or twice:

This is a Virginia Tech quilt that I made for my daughter. She is CRAZY for VT! She lives in a group home now, and her entire room is done in Virginia Tech colors and items. This was her Christmas gift last year. It is shown on a queen sized bed, but her bed is a twin.

This shows the fabric a little closer. I nearly went blind working on it! :) This was taken before it was quilted.

Here it is after David quilted it, and I bound it by hand. He used the pattern "Spring Thing"

Here's the back of the quilt, after it was washed. "Spring Thing" looks good on the back! We always use muslin on the backs of our personal quilts.

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